Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Happy birthday to meeee

Ya Allah,alhamdullilah banget ternyata masih banyak yg inget ulg taun gue,meskipun gue ga punya FB lagi.

Ahhh love you alll mwaaahhhh
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Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

(Another) quote

"Wanita yang hanya mementingkan kecantikan,tidak akan pernah sejajar dengan laki-laki"

Soe hok gie
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"Lebih baik kehilangan teman,dari pada berteman dalam kemunafikan"
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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010


hello. Goede avond allemaal! Good night all! Selamat malam semua!

Now,me, with my parents, is in starbucks and waiting for my brother.
I just think for a moment,and I got the truth that like 2 times a week my parents take me to *bucks. I don't like coffee acctually,but my parents did. I don't know why both of them are so addicted to this coffee.

Ahh udah deh,capek nmng bahasa inggris. Pokoknya gue ga suka minum kopi,tp bisa 3x seminggu gue ke kedai kopi.
Sounds weird,huh?

Gotta go now baby!


*10 more days to my birthday! Yayayayayayyyyyyyyyyy!

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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

I don't know what's going on in our relationship. You're too busy with the stuff,and I can't handle it anymore. Sometimes,I'm feeling so tired,but in other side,I'm afraid to lose you.

"Ermanto linggom parluhutan"
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powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Thank You

Thank you for
making me cry all night long.
hurt my heart so bad.
thank you for all the things that you giving to me.
maybe this is the last present for my birthday from you.

thank you ver much,Mr.

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010


3 more weeks till my birthday! Yay yay yay!
But,the question is,what I want for my birthday?
Well,I don't really know. alhamdullilah semua dr yg gue pengen banget sm ga kepengen-kepengen banget udh terkabul.
dari mulai kamera DSLR yg sangat gue pengenin dr 3 taun yg lalu,sampe mobil yang tiba2 ga ada angin dan ga ada hujan bokap gue beliin, sampe little things semua keinginan gue alhamdullilah udh tercapai :) :)

Beberapa hari lalu, gue tiba2 kepikiran. Kenapa barang2 gue yg ke cewe2an cuman dikit banget?
Yaaaa,emang dr kecil,bokap gue emng lebih sering beliin gue kaos2 laki2 dari pada kaos perempuan-__-

Yay! What I want for my birthday is a girl stuff *please*
Kate spade bag is the best present maybe. Hahahahah.